
Visitors are welcome to use our vast collection of primary and secondary sources. Our volunteers are available in the Local Studies Room of Wollondilly Library, 42 Menangle Street Picton, each Thursday from 10:00am to 3:00pm or at other times by appointment.

  • Free for members who attend in person and conduct their own research with minimal assistance from our volunteers, free for one hour
  • Non Members who attend in person and conduct their own research with minimal assistance from our volunteers – $20.00 for one hour
  • If extensive assistance by one of our volunteers is required the fee may need to be negotiated.
  • Photocopying fees charged at the rate charged by Wollondilly Library.
  • Scanning – the Society recommends that you bring your own USB flash drive.

By Mail/Email

  • For members unable to attend in person the first hour is free and $10.00 per hour thereafter plus photocopying, scanning and postage costs.
  • Non members unable to attend in person – $20.00 for the first hour plus photocopying, scanning and postage costs.
  • You will be notified should more than one hour of research be required.
  • For email enquiries it is preferred that our research form is used
  • For mail enquiries please download and complete our research form here and mail to:
    The Secretary PDHFHS PO Box 64, Picton NSW 2571

Non members making inquiries via email should pay the research fee upfront by direct deposit into our bank account with Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633000 Account No: 15688 1971.
Please quote your name in the reference field.

Online Database Search

Our Society has compiled a database containing information on individuals who have had direct contact with our local area, sourced from official records such as court and church registers.

Currently, the earliest available records date back to 1854. We possess data for all the names listed below, and in some instances, additional information sourced from further research.

Given their connection to Picton, we have been successful in developing partial family trees for many of these individuals using these records. To request a copy of this information, search for a name below then click “More” and complete the required form (normal research fees apply, see above). Once payment has been confirmed we will provide you with the individual’s record, along with any additional research findings.


Image Galleries

We also hold an extensive photographic collection. Please visit our Image Galleries for a preview of some of our collection.


As well as our BDM, Court, Land and Newspaper records, the Society’s holdings include subject files on:

  • bridges
  • buildings
  • churches
  • family history files
  • individuals and families
  • organisations
  • place names
  • post office records
  • property names
  • railway
  • roads